World Leading Results

Compare your results to the world leading results!

World leading results are based on 2018 results, and will stand for the entire 2019 NPC season.
Select record category and enter your result, in the athlete result column. It will automatically calculate. It may take a second or two, depending on your connection. Mobile users may have to touch a cell twice to bring up the keyboard.

  • For a distance result, please enter distance in metres, as "1.23" -- DO NOT ENTER 'm'
  • For a 100m race, please enter time in seconds, as "23.45" -- DO NOT ENTER 's'
  • For a 1500m race, please enter time in minutes, as "1:23.45" -- You MUST include minutes, seconds & miliseconds
  • Any result highlighted in rose, uses the world record, not the world leading result.


Compare your results with the world leading results in your class. Use the forms above, or download the Excel document below, and simply input your results! Any result highlighted in rose, uses the world record, not the world leading result.
World Leading Results Chart (.xlsx, 23kb)


Use the Excel document above to locate current results by class and event.

Note: this form does not save any data, and cannot submit your entry. It is to allow you to determine your percentile results. Please submit your results online on the Standings Page.